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  • Q1:山东中环汇富环保生物科技有限公司怎么样?







    一、篇名 Exercise behavior, valuation, and the incentive effects of employee stock options
    期刊索取号 F8/wk08
    作者 J. Carr Bettis, John M. Bizjak, Michael L. Lemmon
    关键词 Executive compensation; Option exercises; Employee stock options; Corporate governance
    刊名 Journal of Financial Economics
    年份 2005
    卷期 V.76 No.2
    页 445
    We use a large database on ESO exercises to document characteristics of exercise behavior and calibrate a utility-based model for measuring how differences in exercise behavior are manifested in option values and incentives. Option values and incentives computed from the model calibrations are compared to those computed from models used to value tradable options. Our analysis provides guidance to both academics and practitioners about how differences in exercise behavior and model choice affect measures of ESO values and incentives, and underscores the importance of gaining a thorough understanding of the underlying economic forces that affect the behavior of ESO holders.
    二、股权激励制度,是指企业采取授予管理人员或普通员工在未来一段时间内以某一事先规定的价格购买本公司一定比例股票的权利,或者直接授予管理人员或普通员工本公司一定比例的股权,从而试图达到激励管理人员或普通员工目的的制度选择。 基于业绩的股权激励制度研究,是在现有股权激励制度的基础上,重点分析各个环节与业绩的相关性,尝试建立制度实施与业绩创造的连动机制,促使股权激励制度更加有效地发挥激励作用。 本文针对股权激励制度实施过程中出现的业绩背离问题、行权资金来源问题、经营者短期行为问题进行深入研究,引用了较多的数据和案例,旨在分析现有股权激励制度的缺陷,尝试建立股权激励制度的业绩相关模型,增强股权激励制度的激励作用。本文论证了以下观点: 1.在现有资本市场条件下,由于股票价格与企业业绩弱相关,所以股权激励制度有关激励性股票不宜上市流通,否则不但起不到激励经营者创业绩的作用,甚至会引发更大的道德危机,促使经营者为提高股价铤而走险,把企业和投资者的未来推向绝境。否定了股票市场,激励性股权的流通定价问题如何解决呢?本文第二章建立了与业绩相关的定价机制,EVA定价模式。这一模式中,股权兑现价格与业绩EVA成线性关系,股权增值部分的唯一来源就是业绩,促使经营者主动为提高股价而努力创造业绩。在这一模式中,同时指明了股权兑现资金的来源,就是经营者的行权资金和业绩增长部分。 2.最有利的行权资金来源应是业绩增长部分,以业绩分红作为行权资金来源可以形成良性循环激励机制,增强激励作用。这一模式称为分红行权机制,行权资金来源于业绩分红,经营者创造的业绩越多,行权的速度越快数量越多,经营者获利越多,从而促使经营者为加速行权而主动努力创造业绩,良性循环激励机制由此形成。 3.股权激励制度重在长期激励,应对经营者持股作较长期的锁定,规定较长时期分期分批行权兑现。一方面是规定较长的行权兑现期限,实施股权激励制度目的之一在于实现激励的长期性,否则就与发现金奖励相差不大。股权一经兑现其激励作用即告消失,所以要规定较长时期内行权兑现。另一方面,是规定分期分批行权兑现,实施股权激励制度的另一目的是实现长期的激励性,由于经营者普遍具有现金利益偏好,也就是短期收益偏好,如果只有在较远的将来才能行权兑现获利,则满足不了经营者的这种短期偏好,制度的激励力度将大为减弱,为了取得短期激励与长期激励的平衡,所以要规定分期分批行权兑现。另外,规定分期分批行权兑现,使经营者每期每批只能实现一小部分股权收益,可以防范经营者短期行为,企业可以有效地避免像安然、世通一样的毁灭性风险。 本文是在现有经济环境下基于业绩对股权激励制度的初步研究,强调股权激励制度必须能够实现激励的业绩导向性和长期性,为此,业绩相关模型的建立和长短期激励平衡是关键。本文的全部努力,重点在于解决这两个问题。 Stock Incentive System (SIS), is a system a company adopts to incent managers or ordinary employees. In this system, to incent managers or ordinary employees, a company will make them become stockowners by assigning a sum of stocks or stock options to them. Stock Incentive System Research on Outstanding Achievement, is a research base on the existing Stock Incentive System. This research emphasizes on analyzing the pertinency between system structure and outstanding achievement. By doing the research, the author tried to set up a pertinence relation between practicing SIS and carrying out outstanding achievement to enhance the efficiency of a Stock Incentive System. In this thesis, the research is focused on the problems of outstanding achievement deviation, capital resource for buying options or stocks, and short sight of managers. A lot of data and cases have been adopted to find out the bugs from the existing SIS and set up a new model to enhance the efficiency of the SIS. In this thesis, the author demonstrates the following ideas. 1. For the weak pertinence between stock price and outstanding achievement under the circumstance of the capital market, it is strongly recommended that the stocks from SIS not come into the market, or it will be inefficient for incenting managers, further more, it may cause risks of deceiving to incent market prices, which will ruin the company and share holders utmostly. Then how to price the incentive stocks, and how can the stocks be encashed? In chapter two, a pricing model of EVA has been set up to answer the questions. In this model, there is linearity pertinence between the stock price and EVA. While priced by this model, the increment of stocks get an only resource of outstanding achievement made by managers, which will incent managers to work hard to increase stock price. In this model, we can also find out that the capital resource for stock encashment is exercise capital and EVA. 2. An favorable exercise capital resource may be built up on capital bonus, which will enhance the efficient of SIS by forming a benign incentive circle system. This system is named Capital Bonus Exercising System. Since the capital bonus is the only resource for exercise, and we know that managers’ outstanding achievement is the only resource for capital bonus, more outstanding achievement cause more bonus, more bonus cause faster and bigger amount exercise, more exercise cause bigger share hold for managers, and bigger share hold will cause more income, which will incent managers to work harder, then a benign incentive circle system is formed. 3. Since an SIS is used to get a long-term incenting, the managers’ stock holding period must be quite long, and a rule of exercising and encashing batch by batch must be prescribed. Firstly, the holding period must be quite long to realize long-term incentive function of SIS, or it will be not better than a cash bonus. For the incentive function will vanish once encashed, the stock holding term must be set long. Secondly, options or stocks must be exercised or encashed batch by batch in the holding period. Since the managers are with cash-predilection, in the other word, short-term income favoritism, if managers cannot get income before the end of the long term, their short-term income favoritism cannot be fulfilled, and then incentive function of SIS will be weakened. To get a harmony between long-term and short-term incenting, options or stocks must be exercised or encashed batch by batch. Furthermore, this prescription dividing managers stock income into batches will prevent managers from risks of short sight, and then the company can escape from disasters like Enron and WorldCom ever met. This thesis is a pilot study on Stock Incentive System based on outstanding achievement. It insists that practising a Stock Incentive System should be able to incent managers to carry out outstanding achievement and the incentive term should be quite long. And to get these effects, the key issues are to set up EVA models and built up a balance between short-term and long-term incenting. And most of the author’s efforts are being taken to settle these two issues.





