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  • 道,法,术,器,势在《道德经》中有原句解释么
  • 炒股几个阶段 淘股吧
  • 人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。。 这是道德经第几章说的?
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  • 请问谁知道崔氏《股市道德经》的内容
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  • Q1:道,法,术,器,势在《道德经》中有原句解释么


    Q2:炒股几个阶段 淘股吧

    第一阶段: 《投资基础知识》《投资的秘密》《精通K线图》《形态学大全》《投资心理学》《金融行为学》《大作手回忆录》《波浪理论》《趋势投资精要》《滚雪球》等;
    第二阶段: 《莫生气》《金刚经》《般若波罗蜜多心经》《道德经》《庄子》《圣经》《黄帝内经》《思想政治》《论持久战》;
    第三阶段: 《心脏病的预防与治愈》《高血压降压宝典》《抑郁症与狂躁症心理疗法》《强迫症的自我恢复》《精神病症状学》《药王神篇》《辨证施治》;
    第四阶段: 《活着》
    第五阶段: 《桥洞御寒指南》《如何试吃吃到饱》《五块钱如何花三天》

    Q3:人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。。 这是道德经第几章说的?

    I am totally layman and it is just for your reference. Vector AutoRegression (VAR) analysis This small guide shows you how to recreate the results for the VAR analysis used as an example in class. For the corresponding graphs and tables see the sheets/handouts on this topic. I used EViews4. The following steps are deliberately kept easy, using the EViews point-and-click approach. However, I assume you have familiarized yourself with the operation of EViews and understand the various routes one can take to obtain the results described below. Start EViews Select Menu options File/Open/Workfile Select the existing workfile FTA.wf1 from the directory where you saved it. The workfile contains the time series data for the FT-All Share price index, FT-All Share dividend index, yield on 20 year Gilts (government bonds), rate on 91 day Treasury bills. Monthly observations, January 1965 to December 1965 (although the interest rate time series go back much further). Additional series are created in the command window at the top as Smpl @all Series lprice = log(ftaprice) Series ldiv = log(ftadiv) Series dlprice = lprice – lprice(-1) or d(lprice) Series dldiv = ldiv – ldiv(-1) or d(ldiv) Series dr20 = r20 – r20(-1) or d(r20) Series drs = rs – rs(-1) or d(rs) 1. UNIT ROOT TESTS We have already discussed how to perform unit root tests in the time series example. You normally do these tests to decide on a VAR model in levels or first-differences of the variables. The VAR literature is special in the sense that some econometricians have argued that the debate on stationary, nonstationary variables is mostly irrelevant for VAR modelling and that one is allowed to use a levels VAR in any case. However, results sometimes are different for the two models. 2. VAR MODEL ESTIMATE First select the series you wish to analyze. Here I we look at the series dldiv, dlprice, dr20, drs Press CTRL and left-click the variables with your mouse. Select Workfile window Objects/New Object/Group Select Group window Procs/Make Vector Autoregression Select Unrestricted VAR, sample 1965:01 1995:12 (This is the full data period. However, the estimations will automatically adjust the sample period for missing observations!) Cointegration and VECM models will be discussed later. Lag length selection criteria Select VAR window View/Lag Structure/Lag length criteria, max lags 12 You will find the model selection criteria log-likelihood, AIC, SIC, HQ. Note that the estimation period of the VARs in this option is the same for all the models considered and therefore depends on the max. number of lags you want to consider. Once you have decided the optimal number of lags, the estimation period changes according to the selected lag number. Check for residual correlation. The traditional approach, using stationary variables in the VAR model, also recommends that residuals of the VAR equations do not exhibit residual correlation. (If you use the VAR in its long run, levels form as suggested by Sims and others, and do not worry about I(1) variables, the test on residual correlation is considered less important.) The lag length criteria suggest a model with either 1 or 2 lags. Select VAR window Estimate. Select Lag intervals 1 1 Select VAR window View/Residual Tests/Portmanteau Autocorrelation Test/ Lags 12 Repeat for VAR model with lag intervals 1 2 Applying the no-residual-correlation criterium, a VAR model is selected with 2 lags. View the final VAR estimation results by selecting VAR window Stats (note that the VAR model is already in its 2 lag form). Forecasts To work with the estimated VAR model in forecasts and simulations, you have to transfer the estimated equations into a model (a set of equations) to be used in EViews model operations. EViews allows you to make this model very easily. Select VAR window Procs/Make Model/Solve. Set solution sample to 1996:01 2000:12 You will see the results of the forecasting appear in the Workfile window because there are new variables being generated called <>_0 These variables contain the simulated or in this case forecasted values of the VAR variables. (Note that for the period before 1996:01, these variables still contain the original, actual values.) Produce the graphs Select Model window Procs/Make Graph and select the endogenous variables, series grouping as each series in its own graph, sample period 1995:01 1996:12, for the Baseline scenario (the variables referred to as _0). You can also select the variables _0 and make a new EViews Object/Group window. Residual correlation matrix Select VAR window View/Residual Tests/Correlograms. Select Tabulated by variable and lags 0. The correlation matrix is useful to determine whether the ordering in the recursive VAR method (Cholesky decomposition) is likely to influence results. Note that for the IRF and FEDV operations, the residuals of the VAR equations must be orthogonalized. Impulse response functions Select VAR window Impulse (or View/Impulse Response …). Under Impulse Definition select Cholesky – dof adjusted and variables Ordering dldiv dlprice dr20 drs. Under Impulse Display select Multiple Graphs, Response standard errors – Monte Carlo, and periods 10 (you can select more periods, but the results are not interesting in this case). Note that you can modify the order of the variables, which changes the identification scheme of the VAR shocks and affects the IRFs and FEDVs. EViews allows you to chose the format of the calculations as tabular or graphic (the latter is usually better for IRFs while tabular is often preferred for FEDVs). Note that there are alternative ways of producing standard errors for the IRFs. Of course, you need the st.errors to evaluate whether the estimated impulse response at a given horizon can be considered statistically significant. It is usual to select the Monte Carlo method and request at least a 1000 replications. Repeat making this graph by selecting Accumulated Responses under Impulse Display. This option is relevant here because the VAR model is using first-differences of the variables. So, if you want to new the developments in variables levels, you have to accumulate the first-differences. Forecast error decomposition of variances Select VAR window View/Variance Decomposition…. Select Multiple Graphs, Standard errors – None, Periods 10 If you want you can produce the output as tables rather than graphs. The use of the standard errors is ignored here, because we do not want to clutter the output. To evaluate statistical significance and confidence intervals you need the standard errors. Granger causality tests Select VAR window View/Lag Structure/Pairwise Granger causality tests Note that this option only provides results for the variables other than the dependent variable of the equation itself. This is inherent to the concept of Granger causality tests. Marginal significance tests. In a more general test of the VAR model we also investigate the significance of the own lags of the dependent variables. In EViews you would have to estimate all equations of the VAR separately (e.g. using OLS) and view the coefficient restrictions tests for these equations (Wald-test, F-test, log-likelihood-ratio test). Estimating these equations separately and doing the tests will provide slightly different results than the VAR system estimation (see the EViews guide on VAR estimation). In our example: Estimate the first VAR equation using OLS in EViews with the command LS dldiv c dldiv(-1 to -2) dlprice (-1 to -2) dr20(-1 to -2) drs(-1 to -2) Select Equation window View/Coefficient Tests/ Wald – Coefficient Restrictions, coefficient restrictions for lags of dldiv are c(2)=0,c(3)=0 (note that coefficient c(1) is the constant term or intercept of the equation). The Chi-square statistic is the Wald test. The F-statistic is for the equivalent F-test. Note: Coefficient restrictions allows you to set specific coefficients to specific values. In this case we set coefficients to zero, but it can be any value. Redundant Variables – Likelihood Ratio, test series is dldiv(-1 to -2). The log-likelihood ratio statistic is what we look for. The F-statistic is the equivalent F-test, in this case the same one as you find in the Wald-test option. Note: The redundant variables test is similar/equal to the coefficient restriction test for coefficient values set to zero, but in the redundant variables test the only coefficient value that can be tested is zero. F-test: see the results presented along with the Wald and LR tests. APPENDIX The following tests on VARs are not easily implemented in EViews using its standard options. These tests involve estimating the VAR equations individually and calculating some of the needed results using the EViews programming features. The tests are sometimes used in empirical studies (see Sims, 1980). Tests for dropping a variable from the entire VAR system. General tests of restrictions on the VAR model can be carried out by comparing the determinants of the restricted and unrestricted covariance matrices of the equation errors. The restrictions would be that the variable considered for exclusion has coefficients equal to zero in the equations for all the other variables (thus, except its own equation). The test statistic is LR = (T-k) [log(det(Restr)) – log(det(Unrestr))] Where T is the number of observations and k is the number of estimated coefficients in each equation of the unrestricted model (in our example, k = 4*2+1= 9). This statistic is distributed as 2 with degrees of freedom equal to the number of restrictions; in our example, 2 lags of a variable in (4-1=) 3 equations equal 6 restrictions. EViews presents you the value of the determinant of the residuals covariance matrix as part of the estimation output and also allows you to save the covariance matrix of residuals , and calculate its determinant. To apply the likelihood ratio test click on View/Residuals/Covariance matrix. Type command window matrix(n,n) rescov (with n the number of VAR equations) Select workfile window matrix variable rescov. Copy using Copy (Ctrl-C), Edit, Paste (Ctrl-V) the matrix values from the VAR window to the matrix window rescov. Type command window scalar det_cov1= @det (rescov) . If you select workfile variable det_cov1 you can see its value at the bottom line of the EViews window. (If you do this, compare your result with the value presented with the VAR output.) In EViews the Unrestricted VAR option does not allow you to impose the equation restrictions necessary for this test. But in principle you would repeat the previous actions for the restricted VAR model, calculate the likelihood ratio statistic, and determine its significance level from the 2 distribution. You can in EViews estimate the VAR models following the equation-by-equation approach, store the residuals for each equation, calculate the residuals covariance matrix, calculate the matrix determinant, and calculate the LR test statistic. If you write a small EViews program it is less work than you might think. Tests for structural change (i.e. comparing 2 subsample periods) Create an unrestricted VAR where in each equation additional variables enter as dummy variables (values 0,1 for the two subperiods) multiplied by the original variables values (including the constant term!). Also create the restricted VAR without the dummy*variable part in the equations. You can test the null hypothesis of no structural change equation-by-equation by testing the significance of all the dummy variables (Wald-test, F-test, log-likelihood-ratio test) in every single equation. You can test the null hypothesis of no structural change for the entire VAR model, by using the LR test based on the determinants of the residual covariance matrixes (see above). The LR statistic is distributed as 2 with degrees of freedom equal to the number of restrictions; in this case, dummies for 2 lags of each variable plus the intercept in 4 equations, equaling 4*(2*4+1) = 36 restrictions.


    真正炒股高手达到较高水平后就会像《道德经》所说的那样:明道若昧 进道若退 夷道若纇 意思就是:最明白的人反而会表现的像是很糊涂,最进步的人反而会显得像在后退,最容易的事情做起来反而像很困难。实际上这些说的就是易文斌们平时知道的那个成语——大智若愚
    明道若昧——真正的高手绝大多数时间都像是很糊涂,他们对未来经常表示看不清楚 很多股民肯定以为炒股高手一定能股市和个股走势进行精确的预测,并制定精确的买卖点。其实,根本就不是这样的!






